65. New Testament and the Book of Psalms. New York: American Bible Society, 1844. Houghton Library, *AC85. M4977. Zz844b. Introduction by Brian Yothers.
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Front matter
Matthew (pp. 3-56)
Mark (pp. 57-92)
Luke (pp. 93-152)
John (pp. 153-195)
Acts (pp. 196-254)
Romans (pp. 255-277)
I. Corinthians (pp. 278-299)
II. Corinthians (pp. 300-314)
Galatians (pp. 315-322)
Ephesians (pp. 323-330)
Philippians (pp. 331-335)
Colossians (pp. 336-340)
I. Thessalonians (pp. 341-345)
II. Thessalonians (pp. 346-348)
I. Timothy (pp. 349-354)
II. Timothy (pp. 355-358)
Titus (pp. 359-361)
Philemon (p. 362)
Hebrews (pp. 363-378)
James (pp. 379-384)
I. Peter (pp. 385-390)
II. Peter (pp. 391-394)
I. John (pp. 395-400)
II. John (p. 401)
III. John (p. 402)
Jude (p. 403)
Revelation (pp. 404-431)
Psalms (pp. 1-112)
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