Support the Project

As a non-profit, ongoing digital humanities project devoted to the reading and intellect of one of America's greatest writers, Melville's Marginalia Online depends on non-commercial forms of financial support. Private donations help pay for web hosting and development, equipment and software, imaging services, and dynamic visualization tools that expand access to Melville's marginalia. Donations are tax-deductible and processed by MMO's home institution, Boise State University.

Steps for Giving
To make a donation in the amount of your choosing, simply follow the steps for giving explained here:
To make a donation by credit card,
1. Visit the Boise State University Foundation's Online Giving Page for the "Melville's Marginalia Online English Fund."
2. Select the "Give" button.
3. With the "Melville's Marginalia" fund pre-selected, choose or enter a donation amount and scroll down to select "Continue."
4. Supply additional information in remaining steps and fields, and Submit your gift.
To make a donation by check, make your check payable to the Boise State University Foundation and include the fund number "AR115 Melville" on the memo line of your check.
Mail to:
Boise State University Foundation
1173 University Drive
Boise, ID 83706
Thank you!
Gifts in any amount assist our efforts to expand the site's content and improve its functionality. In gratitude for minimum tax-deductible donations of $100 (as a single sum or by installments), we'll send you the 15 oz. beverage mug pictured at right with our banner image. The black-and-white illustration of Melville is based on the Francis Day drawing that originally appeared in The Century Magazine of October, 1895, four years after Melville's death, and the portrait is set against a full-color background of bindings that duplicate editions owned by Melville. Selected, photographed, and digitally assembled by MMO editors and student interns, the images comprising the banner aptly reflect the spirit of your support for the project.
If you'd prefer not to make a donation all at once, please give in installments. We'll keep track of your support and send you your mug when the $100 threshold is met. To expedite receipt of your Melville's Marginalia Online beverage mug, when you make your donation please also send us an email at the address below to inform us of your gift and supply any feedback you may have about the project. We'll confirm your donation and avoid administrative delays by shipping your mug to you right away.
Unless otherwise instructed, we list the names of all donors to the project on the "Acknowledgments" page of the project's web site.
Contact the Project
The editors welcome feedback and recommendations about the usefulness and performance of Melville's Marginalia Online and invite inquiries from academic and independent scholars interested in contributing to the development of its functionality and content. Please contact us by regular or electronic mail:
Melville's Marginalia Online
Department of English Literature
1910 University Drive
Boise State University
Boise, Idaho 83725-1525